An anime adaptation of Rick and Morty. Directed by Takashi Sano (Rick and Morty vs. Genocider, Summer Meets God) at Telecom Animation Film, the anime will be an original work, based on themes and events from the main Rick and Morty animated series.
(Source: Anime News Network, edited)
Note: The first episode was screened early on June 25th at the 17th International Animated Film Festival ANIMATOR in Poznań, Poland.
Other name: リック・アンド・モーティ ザ・アニメ, Rick I Morty: Anime
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Date aired: Aug 16, 2024
An anime adaptation of Rick and Morty. Directed by Takashi Sano (Rick and Morty vs. Genocider, Summer Meets God) at Telecom Animation Film, the anime will be an original work, based on themes and events from the main Rick and Morty animated series.
(Source: Anime News Network, edited)
Note: The first episode was screened early on June 25th at the 17th International Animated Film Festival ANIMATOR in Poznań, Poland.
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