In a fictional school, "Tender Tank" Rareko is constantly opening absurd yet strangely enthusiastic debates, this way creating a lively classroom life. Bringing up tremendous themes, she and her classmates exchange words like sword-strokes, and here and there even a profound remark is slipped in.
A fun and informative debate comedy, packed into only five minutes each time.
Other name: ガッ活!
Date aired: Apr 3, 2012 to Sep 18, 2012
In a fictional school, "Tender Tank" Rareko is constantly opening absurd yet strangely enthusiastic debates, this way creating a lively classroom life. Bringing up tremendous themes, she and her classmates exchange words like sword-strokes, and here and there even a profound remark is slipped in.
A fun and informative debate comedy, packed into only five minutes each time.
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